Maximizing the Potential of MYP Partially Completed Unit Planners (PCUP): Insights and Strategies from IB Webinars

Jul 30, 2024

Discover the Potential of PCUPs: A Game-Changer for MYP Educators


In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) stands out for its emphasis on holistic development and inquiry-based learning. A crucial component of this program is the MYP Partially Completed Unit Planners (PCUPs). To help educators harness the full potential of these tools, the IB has launched a series of webinars. These webinars aim to support schools in effectively using PCUPs, whether they participate in eAssessment or simply wish to optimize the available resources.

Understanding the PCUP Webinar Series

The PCUP webinar series is a self-paced inquiry designed to guide educators through the intricacies of the MYP partially completed unit planners. The series begins with an introductory webinar that provides a comprehensive overview of PCUPs, followed by screencasts that delve into subject-specific planners. This structure allows educators to gain a thorough understanding of PCUPs at their own pace, ensuring they can apply these insights effectively in their classrooms.

Making the Most of PCUP

One of the key webinars in this series is titled "Making the Most of PCUP." This session is invaluable for educators from schools that engage in eAssessment and those looking to leverage the free resources available to all MYP educators. The webinar is built around five principles of good unit design, with a particular focus on the purpose section of the MYP unit planner. This section is essential for synthesizing what students should understand, know, and be able to do by the end of the unit.

Insights from Experts

The webinar features insights from IB MYP principal examiners and authors of the PCUP. These experts share their observations on the successes and challenges faced by schools in recent submissions. Their perspectives offer practical guidance on how to navigate common pitfalls and maximize the effectiveness of PCUPs. By learning from these experienced educators, participants can refine their unit planning processes and enhance student learning outcomes.

Engaging in Meaningful Conversations

Beyond the practical advice, the webinar also provides a platform for coordinators and teachers to engage in meaningful conversations about coordinating, planning, and teaching assessment using a PCUP as a starting point. These discussions are invaluable for fostering a collaborative learning environment where educators can share best practices, discuss challenges, and develop innovative solutions together.

Mark Your Calendars

The PCUP webinar series is an opportunity not to be missed. Whether you're an experienced MYP educator or new to the program, these webinars offer valuable resources and insights to enhance your teaching practice. By integrating the principles and strategies discussed in the webinars, you can make the most of the partially completed unit planners, ensuring a more effective and engaging learning experience for your students.


The MYP Partially Completed Unit Planners (PCUPs) are powerful tools that can significantly enhance the teaching and learning process. The IB webinar series provides a wealth of knowledge and practical advice to help educators make the most of these resources. By participating in these webinars, you can gain insights from experts, engage in meaningful conversations with peers, and refine your unit planning strategies. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your practice and support your students' learning journey.
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